God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature. So, they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike,
Reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! TAKE CHARGE! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.” Genesis 1: 26-28 MSG.

“God didn’t only give you the capacity to live like Him but also the responsibility to act like Him” RSD.

There is a popular saying that ‘Whatever will be will be’. That statement has created a very damaging mindset and psyche to a lot of people regarding several issues in their lives. Most people have allowed some negative issues to hold them captive and also make them live at the mercy of life’s circumstances. This is not the way God intended for us to live our lives with all the blessings and resources He has endowed us with. Accepting the fallacy of ‘anything can happen’ will make people live their lives in despondency and irresponsibility as it were.

The truth is that even those that mostly subscribe to these ideologies don’t usually follow or obey its concepts fully because they most times take responsibility or some actions over some specific areas of their lives. For instance, people take charge and responsibility for the food they eat, their hygiene such as bathing and so on. They don’t expect food to just appear on their tables or don’t make use of the rest rooms or conveniences when they need to except incapacitated by some health challenges which may be for some few times until they get well to do so by themselves. So, the fact that people can take charge and responsibility for some areas of their lives also means that they can take responsibility for other areas too.

People need to understand that after God created humans to live on the earth, He has given us the authority, capacity and responsibility to handle and determine what happens on the earth. This short article is a reminder to us to cooperate with God and maximize all the resources He has given to us for making our lives comfortable and our world a better place for our existence and for the fulfillment of our dreams.

 Another reason some people don’t see themselves as capable of taking charge of their world is because of some erroneous religious teachings and belief systems that has made them to believe more in the negative supernatural involvements of spirits and demonic entities in interfering with the lives of people. The fact remains that there are spiritual effects and dynamics to the operations of our world but they don’t really have any substantial effects without the cooperation of humans on the earth. This is simply because spirits don’t have the permission or body apparatus to operate on earth. For instance, if you want to go into space, you will have to use the space suits because your physical body wasn’t designed to operate in space. So, no spiritual entity either angel or demons can successfully operate on earth without the cooperation of people. Even if God decides to send His angels to help you and you refuse the help, there is nothing that He will do about it.

This is the time to wake up and take full advantage of our capacities, abilities, opportunities and responsibilities that we have been endowed with to live the lifestyle of victory, health, peace, joy, success, fruitfulness, abundance, satisfaction and fulfillment that God created us to enjoy regardless of any challenges in this world. Refuse to let the devil rule and ruin your world because you are in charge. Let nothing steal your joy, peace, family, hope, abundance and all God has given to you for a wholesome on this earth. This is the time to take charge consciously and confidently of your world!

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